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DNA findings support Dr. Wamasebu passed away.

On Monday, the body was recovered by Kenyan police in the presence of Dr. Wamasebu’s family members. Subsequently, they conducted rigorous examinations, which have confirmed his demise.Dr. Gideon Wamasebu, 62, the former District Health Officer (DHO), Manafwa District, has been verified dead by a DNA test conducted by medical professionals in Kenya and Uganda. A…

Ladies in More noteworthy Mubende get tips on business extension under ‘Develop’ program

A part of the ladies business gatherings and Terrains Priest Judith Nabakooba at the send off of the Develop program for Kassanda and Mityana Regions in Miyana Locale on JuneThe skilling program under the Develop project is embraced by government organizations including the Uganda Enrollment Administrations Agency, the Uganda Modern Exploration Establishment and Outlook change…

Quit bemoaning about the past, center around advancement Katikkiro tells Luwero inhabitants

Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga takes a gander at a portion of the things showed during the Buganda Rural Exhibition in Luwero Region on June 14, 2024.The neighborhood chiefs additionally featured explicit regions where government intercession is basically required. Ronald Ndawula, the Luwero NRM executive stressed the need to further develop the street networks inside Luwero.Almost…